When the word came down to cease all restaurant and bar operations my first instinct was, "How do I adjust a full service restaurant and bar to a curbside and delivery concept and save as many jobs as possible?" With your patience and support, mission accomplished! Now, our staff, Rosanne and I need your help feeding the families in need. Everyone knows someone who's family can use a hot meal. We realize, just like in our company, many have lost jobs and are in need of break, even if it's a simple dinner with the family. FEED THE FAMILY will provide a dinner for a family in each community we serve Sunday thru Thursday. All we ask from you is the following:
  • Provide the name of the family in need and the number to feed

  • Give us a brief explanation of why you are nominating this family

  • Agree to deliver the meal to the family

  • Provide us with your name and contact information

We will then randomly choose from those nominate every day thru the end of April 2020. Simply email this nomination to brent@riomambo.com and which restaurant currently serves your community and/or the family you have nominated. The family does not have to live in the community we serve. Needs are everywhere!!!