Norma's Cafe March Newsletter
							March is Red Cross Month, and Norma’s Cafe is partnering up with the American Red Cross – North Texas Region once again to support the organization’s disaster
							relief efforts. On Wednesday, March 18, a portion of your donated to the Red Cross. In addition, guests who download the Red Cross Tornado Safety App will receive a free slice of
							Mile High Cream Pie on Red Cross Day.
Pi Day
							 March 14 is Pi Day! This Pi Day is even more epic than all of the rest. Why, you ask? Because it’s 3.14.15! Evaluate your appreciation for pie and mathematics at Norma’s Cafe with a
							 segment of pi! Make sure you visit our perimeter and add on a remainder of pi for the sum of a great meal. Bring a friend and bisect a slice, but don’t just limit yourself to one slice; get a
							 whole number to go! If our calculations are correct, there will also be a sequence of social media contests and prizes, so be sure to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter!
Click Here for Recipe
									Classic Pot Roast
Life is short. Eat dessert first. Facebook Youtube Twitter Pinterest

									17721 N. Dallas Pkwy #130, Dallas, TX (972) 380-8646
									1123 W. Davis Street, Dallas, TX (214) 946-4711
									8300 Gaylord Parkway #19, Frisco, TX (972) 712-2233