April Newsletter
							What a great month so far! Besides a little rain, we have been enjoying some GREAT weather, and like most, you’re probably looking to the outdoors a little more when it comes to your activities.
							We only enjoy a few short months a year of this cool, sunny, spring weather so we want to encourage you to get out and take advantage! Move that run from the treadmill to the sidewalk or trail.
							Get the bike out of the garage, dust it off and go for a nice long, yet tough, bike ride. The sun and great weather will help improve your mood and make exercise seem less like a task and more like a privilege.
							So get up, get out, and enjoy it while you can!
Client Recognition
							See image for full details
Starting Out
							 Full Body vs. Split Routines
							 See image for article
Supplement of the Month - ZMA
							 See image for article
							Happy Anniversary! - See image for article
Recipe of the Month - Dairy-Free Protein Powder Pancakes
							See image for recipe
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