Experience the next generation of personal training
							October 2014 Newsletter
							We have to be honest; September was a crazy month around here! We welcomed a slew of new clients into the NexGen family, celebrated an awesome ribbon cutting for our Plano location and even had
							the opportunity to see one of our most deserving trainers step into the role of manager. That being said, we certainly don’t expect it to slow down too much this month either.  We hope that you can all say the
							same, at least in regards to your goals and workouts. Stay focused, stay strong and brace yourself for the craziness that is the last quarter of the year. See below for some tips to help you make the most out of
							your workouts, and if you’re looking for a challenge perhaps consider joining us for the Gary Burn’s 5k in Frisco on October 25th. Hope to see you there!
Client Recognition
							See image for full details
Mental Preparation
							Let’s face it; working out on a consistent basis can be tough. You have to make time within your already hectic life for you to better yourself and your health. Stresses can make it feel like it’s worthless, schedule
							constraints can leave you with less time than you had hoped for, and while you made it to the gym you might just NOT be ‘feeling it.’ While doing something is certainly better than doing nothing, if this becomes a
							regular occurrence in the gym you will NOT last. So what do you do? 

							Besides ensuring that you’re getting adequate sleep, proper caloric intake, and consuming enough water there are several tips and tricks to use once you walk through the doors to help flip that switch and make sure
							your workout is nothing short of the best part of your day. Here are three things you can try:

							1.	Channel The Negatives In Your Life As Your Motivation
							Everyone has something they are dealing with. This can range from work stress, feelings of inadequateness, all the way to others trying to bring you down for your commitment to fitness. Whatever the case, you have
							the power to transform that negative energy into a dominate performance in the gym. Harness the energy you have and decide that each and every time you workout that you are not only exercising but proving to
							yourself that you have what it takes to conquer any challenge you may face. Sometimes anger and stress can have a way of turning us into monsters in the gym, while at the same time helping those feelings subside.
							You can choose to let outside forces hurt your workout, or you can choose to CRUSH them! Your call.

							2.	Remember Why You Are There
							Many of us have reasons, other than just looking good for why we are in the gym. Some of us are doing it for our kids, others for our medical health. Whatever the case may be, by refocusing on the why you can
							help keep yourself on track both in and out of the gym. When you are in the gym, utilize your “why” for extra motivation to complete that next rep or set and give 100%. Remember that your why may change over
							time. Maybe your why was to get to a healthy weight and off a plethora of medications, but once you hit that goal your “why” became to never let yourself get to that point again. So why do you workout?

							3.	Give Your Full Attention To Each Exercise
							Simply doing curls or squats for the sake of doing them is probably not going to get you to the goals you have. It takes effort to focus on the exercise at hand, to make the connection to your muscle your working
							and get the full benefit. But, if you make sure you are doing this the results can be incredible. There is nothing worse than that feeling that you could have done more, or done better in your workout. Rather than just
							going through the motions, take the time to visualize the set you are about to do, think of the muscle you are about to work and how to activate them during the set, and then get going! This rings true for any body part
							and any exercise. When you’re doing squats, go all out on squats, don’t be thinking about what the next exercise is or what to have for diner. Concentration is the key to success.  Use your motivators to push through
							sticking points and find that energy for one last set, then focus. Focus. Focus!

							So before your next workout take a second and ready yourself to walk in, tear it up, and walk out one step closer to the you you’re working toward.  Good luck and get moving!!
Supplement of the Month
							Have you been feeling like you can’t focus, or your immune system has been letting you down more often than you’d like. Perhaps you have been feeling a little down or fatigued. Well if so, there may be a natural
							solution available in the form of Ginseng. Ginseng is believed to have positive effects on all of the above-mentioned symptoms as well as having possible uses for treating cancer, heart disease and even boosting
							endurance. So what is it? Simply put, it is a slow-growing perennial plant that has been used as an herbal medicine for centuries, especially in Asia. It has been studied for a variety of benefits and there is some
							evidence to support a number of these claims, while others are less conclusive. While there is no daily recommended intake for Ginseng, typically 200 mg of dried extract is sufficient to see benefits. Because ginseng
							can act as a stimulant it is not recommended to take large quantities above 200 mg. Check out your local health foods store for more information.
Recipe of the Month - Chipotle-glazed Roast Chicken with Sweet Potatoes
							Yield: 6 Servings 
							Prep Time: 15 Minutes
							Cook Time: 35 Minutes 

							See image for recipe
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