Experience the next generation of personal training
							August 2014 Newsletter
Client Recognition - Welcome New Clients!
							Collete Bergin
							Tawny Cannata
							Alma De Leon
							Bob Rayes
							Robert Villareal
							Susan Brownell
							Derrick Christensen
							Denise Pedini
							Barbara Villareal
							Remy Webb
This month's news - Start Preparing Now!
							Get out your calendars and make sure that you are available this Saturday July 19th @ 3:00 p.m.  If you weren’t one of the few lucky enough to receive an invitation to inflict pain on your
							favorite trainer -you can still come and be a spectator! We are hoping you will join us at our South Frisco location on Warren and Legacy to cheer for, or scoff at, these guys and gals who have
							brought you so much happiness during your own workouts-or something like that right? See you there!!
							Supplement of the Month - Melatonin
							See image for full article
How much protein is enough?
							It can be assumed that when you read the title you fell into one of two categories.  You either thought to yourself “I have no idea” or you recalled something you read online about
							this many grams per pound. The truth is that this question can have multiple answers depending on things such as your level of activity, your fitness goals, and age. If you were to look at the
							most of the daily-recommended intakes you will likely see a level of 0.8 grams per kilogram or 0.37 grams per pound. For a 220-pound man this would equate in 80 grams of protein. Now this is
							a very modest amount for a man this size. While these recommended levels are probably sufficient to avoid any types of deficiencies, it would be hard to say that this would be the optimal level for
							a healthy lifestyle. Lets say that this 220-pound man consumes 2000 calories a day and only eats 80 grams of protein. This would mean that only 16% of his daily intake came from protein levels.
							Not exactly a balanced diet.

							Protein’s role in the body is quite fascinating. In fact, proteins have role in almost all of the functions of the human body. It’s most recognized use is for the building of muscle, but it also plays a
							vital role in helping your hair and nails grow strong, transporting oxygen via red blood cells, and even strengthening the structure of your bones. Having adequate protein in your diet ensures that
							you have enough of the enzymes, hormones, and neurotransmitters you need to function at optimal levels. Aside from this fact you can also see added benefits of increased metabolic rates, reduced
							appetite, increased muscular strength, and improved performance in physically demanding tasks with an increased protein intake.

							So how much is enough? The above-mentioned benefits can be seen in diets that consist of 25 to 30% of calories from protein.  So on that same 2000-calorie diet mentioned above rather than taking
							in 80 grams, taking in 150 grams will help him possibly lose weight, build muscle and feel a lot better! So rather than assigning a number based on weight, it may be better to make sure you are staying
							within the 25-30% range which will likely ensure no chance of deficiency and all those added benefits. For example, if you were to take a woman whose goal was to lose weight and put her on a 1200
							calorie, and she stayed at 30% protein, she would consume 90 grams each day, which is actually 10 grams above the recommended daily intake of our 220-pound man mentioned above! Not bad right?

							Lastly, we should note that protein can be found in many different foods, from yogurt to lentils.  You don’t have to eat a ton of meat to get your levels up, but it is of note that animal proteins do contain
							the most complete levels of essential amino acids in the ratios our body needs. If chicken’s not your flavor though a nice lentil loaf could be just as good! So watch your macronutrients and make sure
							your protein level is where it should be each day!
Client Shout Out - Alice Brandt
							For the month of August we wanted to recognize a client who has certainly shown a great deal of dedication to reaching her fitness goals, so much that there are often two-a-days taking place
							between her workouts and cardio sessions. This month’s Client-of-the-Month goes to Alice Brandt! Alice came to NexGen Fitness wanting to lose weight and get herself in better shape so she
							could avoid having to take a lot of medications. If she continues down the path she’s on we are certain that she will be the healthiest version of herself in no time! Just check out her results so far!

							Since starting with NexGen, Alice has been able to lose 22.5 pounds, including 30.6 pounds of fat, resulting in a loss of 10.8% body fat! Alice has also seen her pushups go from 11 to 29 and her
							bench press increase 15 lbs!  Most notable however might be the 6 inch increase in her flexibility!  Add in a total loss of 14.25 inches and it’s easy to see why she is deserving of this recognition.

							Congratulations Alice on your results! We know that you are only getting started and that you will continue to make great strides towards your fitness goals. We’re happy that you’ve allowed us the
							opportunity to work with you towards those goals and are excited for the future!
Client Shout Out - Alice Brandt
							For the month of August we wanted to recognize a client who has certainly shown a great deal of dedication to reaching her fitness goals, so much that there are often two-a-days taking place
							between her workouts and cardio sessions. This month’s Client-of-the-Month goes to Alice Brandt! Alice came to NexGen Fitness wanting to lose weight and get herself in better shape so she
							could avoid having to take a lot of medications. If she continues down the path she’s on we are certain that she will be the healthiest version of herself in no time! Just check out her results so far!

							Since starting with NexGen, Alice has been able to lose 22.5 pounds, including 30.6 pounds of fat, resulting in a loss of 10.8% body fat! Alice has also seen her pushups go from 11 to 29 and her
							bench press increase 15 lbs!  Most notable however might be the 6 inch increase in her flexibility!  Add in a total loss of 14.25 inches and it’s easy to see why she is deserving of this recognition.

							Congratulations Alice on your results! We know that you are only getting started and that you will continue to make great strides towards your fitness goals. We’re happy that you’ve allowed us the
							opportunity to work with you towards those goals and are excited for the future!
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