NexGen Fitness - June 2014 Newsletter

Feel that? Yep it’s summer, and the temperature is just going to continue to rise. If you’re like us you will probably try to find refuge by the pool, or maybe if you’re lucky, by the beach. We want you to be safe this summer, so stay hydrated, and use sunscreen if you’re going to be outside for more than a few minutes. Also remember that just because it’s summer, it doesn’t mean that your fitness goals get to take a vacation too! Keep working hard and make the most of these summer months, your body will thank you - we promise! Remember that you may even get a special reward for your hard work. See below for details.
There have been countless times, that as trainers, we have gotten into a debate with clients, family, and even friends about which is the best approach to weight loss. While any educated trainer will inform you that both cardio and resistance training should work together cohesively, many people still fall on the side of cardio only and shun the weight room when trying to lose those unwanted pounds. The fact is that simply doing cardio will NOT give you body you want. Is it needed? Yes, definitely, but the benefits of weight training are undeniable. Hopefully this will show you why the weight room really isn’t just for athletes or bodybuilders.Let’s discuss the benefits of adding weight training into your fitness routine and how it will help you reach your goals faster:•	   Burn More Calories: Resistance training has been shown to continue to burn calories for up to 24 hours following a session of moderate to high intensity training. Traditional cardio, while it may burn calories during, does not produce the same effect (unless done in HIIT format).•	   Increase Your Metabolism for Good:By increasing your lean muscle mass, you can expect to see an increase of up to 50 calories per pound of muscle, per day of additional caloric burn while at rest. Muscle requires more energy than fat, thus requiring more calories per day for your body to maintain. More calories burned leads to more weight lost.•	   Lose Fat Not Muscle!Penn State conducted a study on the affects of weight loss through solely aerobic training in one group and solely resistance training in another. The results? Both groups lost 21 pounds, but the group that only did only aerobic exercise lost an average of 6 pounds of muscle per participant. The resistance training group saw no decrease in muscle mass. •	   Balance Your Hormones:Resistance training has been shown to help the body produce more of several hormones that help lead to positive results. For example, increases in Testosterone and HGH can lead to better mood, more energy, and increases in lean muscle mass. Another example is Peptide YY, a digestive hormone that can be increased through resistance training and can help prevent your body from storing fat. Additionally resistance training has been shown to help lower insulin resistance, allowing your body to burn fat more efficiently. All of these examples can be lead to weight loss and increases in overall health!•   	Get the Definition You Want!Unless you are only worried about the actual number on the scale, chances are that you want to reap the benefits of a toned, sexy, new body from all of your hard work. Cardio simply cannot provide this. By targeting the muscles through resistance training, you can build a physique that will begin to show through in a big way when the fat begins to disappear.  You want to be fit, not ‘skinny fat’ right?So, as you can see that there really is a big reason why resistance training should be a vital part of any persons fitness regiment. Again, we want to stress that, especially for weight loss, cardio is very very important, but it might not be the best approach to simply do hours and hours of cardio. In that same sense, only lifting weights will probably fail to give you the weight loss you want too. So embrace the weight room and the treadmill, and start seeing the results you’ve really wanted.
Train the Trainer is coming!

This month’s news Are you in the running? TRAIN THE TRAINER IS COMING! Only a few short weeks before we announce the winners for this year’s TRAIN-THE-TRAINER Contest. If you want the opportunity to turn the tables on your favorite trainer then make sure you are recording all of your workouts and cardio sessions in our logbook. And then go and do some more!! If you are wondering about ways to increase your odds, see one of the trainers for details. Remember you can also win the chance to participate by completing a Google review for us by the end of the month. Let’s make this years TRAIN-THE TRAINER one for the ages!!
Supplement of the Month - Vitamin D

Unfortunately, many individuals we meet tend to be lacking some nutrient or nutrients in the daily intake. A deficiency that is becoming more common for many is Vitamin D. Now many of you may know that Vitamin D is associated with sunlight, and while it’s true that your body produces Vitamin D through exposure to the sun, it is also true that our society today spends much less time outside.  This means that we must rely more heavily on our diet to get the Vitamin D we need. This can be difficult for some as the main sources are fish, beef, cheese and fortified milk and may not be staples in their diets. In addition it’s been found that increased bodyweight, especially body fat, can prevent you from being able to properly utilize the Vitamin D you take in.So what does a deficiency lead to? The most important need for Vitamin D is in the uptake other nutrients, especially calcium, which if not able can lead to issues such as rickets and osteoporosis. Vitamin D deficiency can also lead to decreased energy levels, increased risk of cancer, and even cardiovascular disease.  Luckily the fixes are generally easy! Simply spending more time outdoors can give you 80-90% of what your body needs. If you can’t seem to find the time to bask in the sun, supplementation is available ranging from 400 to 1000 IU per day. Typically speaking, 400 IU per day is enough to help ward off a deficiency, but in some cases a doctor may prescribe doses as high as 10,000 IU per day. Consult a physician before exceeding recommended intake of any supplement. And as mentioned earlier, dropping a few pounds may help you correct or prevent a deficiency too.
Client of the Month - Jennifer Gulick

For the month of June we wanted to give recognition to a client who has truly been an example to us all in her ability to make fitness a priority in her busy life. This month’s Client-of-the-Month goes to Jennifer Gulick! Jennifer came to NexGen Fitness needing to get her weight under control and with the desire to be a better example to those around her in the medical profession. She has worked extremely hard and has transformed herself; making the most of each of the early morning workouts she loves so much!Since starting with NexGen, Jennifer has been able to lose 23.5 pounds of fat and 24.4 inches, resulting in a loss of 10.7% body fat! Jennifer has also seen her bench press increase by 25 lbs and her pushups go from 12 to 45!  She also saw improvements in flexibility and resting heart rate, making it a real no-brainer to recognize her for this honor.Congratulations Jennifer on your results thus far! We have truly enjoyed being a part of your transformation and look forward to helping you achieve more incredible results in the future! | (844) 4Nexgen Facebook