NexGen Fitness - May 2014 Newsletter

OK guys and gals, summer is officially upon us. With the slew of good weather we’ve been enjoying as of late, I think it’s safe to say that before we can blink we’ll be feeling triple digit heat and taking refuge at the beach or pool.  Are you ready? The time is now to buckle down so you look your best this swimsuit season. Recommit to making the most of every workout, every cardio sessions and of course every meal!  For a little extra motivation check out this month’s news below for a chance to win the opportunity to flip the script on your favorite trainer!
No Time? Get the intensity up!

So many people who are struggling with their fitness and health have the misconception that it requires hours of exercise each day to produce the results they desire. With schedules that certainly don’t allow any of us to have marathon style workouts each day, it’s understandable that people feel discouraged from beginning, or at times continuing, on their fitness journey. But, the fact is that sometimes longer isn’t always better. Enter High Intensity Interval Training.Many studies recently have discussed the benefits of High Intensity Interval Training, or HIIT for short. This type of exercise typically includes short bursts of intense exercise followed by a brief period of recovery. This can range from 20 seconds to a minute of high activity followed by as little as 10 seconds to a few minutes of recovery.  But what does this do for you? First it drastically reduces the amount of time needed to complete a full workout. For example one may be able to enjoy the same positive results of 60 minutes of traditional cardio in as little as 20 minutes of HIIT cardio. Additionally one study found that using HIIT led to a decrease in total abdominal, trunk, and visceral fat, with an increase in muscle mass and power. Studies have also shown that cardio workouts done in HIIT format lead to higher boosts in post workout metabolism levels for up to 24 hours. This is a result of increased levels of Human Growth Hormone, or HGH. Higher HGH levels will lead to your body metabolizing more fat for energy in the hours after a cardio session.While these types of workouts are rather challenging, if done correctly, they can truly be of benefit to both new and experienced exercisers alike.  Who wouldn’t want to save time, burn more fat, and preserve and in some instances increase muscle, in one streamlined workout? Now it is important to note that traditional low intensity cardio is still very beneficial in its own right. HIIT should be viewed as a supplement to an exercise program, not a be-all-end-all. Another thing to note is that the HIIT style of training can be applied to strength training as well, when time is of the essence.  Quickly moving through different exercises with short, controlled, rest periods will allow you to complete an entire workout quickly, increases your heart rate, and burns a ton of calories. The fact is that more intensity, when done without the sacrifice of safety, can yield more results that the afore-mentioned marathon workouts of old. So next time your in the gym, HIIT it hard, make it count, and burn the fat!
This month’s news 


That’s right everybody, its time again for the chance to put your favorite trainer through the ringer.  TRAIN THE TRAINER HAS RETURNED!!! Do you want a chance to turn the tables on your favorite trainer? To inflict the same level of pain on them as they do on you? Or maybe you just want to see if they can back up all that talk they do. In any case here’s your chance.There are two ways to enter for a chance to win:1.   Cardio: From May 15th to June 30st we will be conducting a cardio challenge. The clients with the highest average cardio during that period will be offered the chance to participate.2.   Google Reviews: Clients also have a chance to enter through the completion of a Google review during the same time period.GOOD LUCK!!
Supplement of the Month - Reservatrol

Ok all you wine drinkers out there, listen up. As much as it pains me to say it there may actually be something to that little glass of red wine you like to enjoy. Please note I said little, not entire bottle! There is a substance known as Resveratrol that is commonly found in red wine, as well as some other foods, that many researchers believe is a very powerful antioxidant and has many significant benefits to your health. These include things such as fighting free radicals which can cause cancer, slowing the spread of cancer cells if present already, lowering blood pressure, reducing inflammation in the body and keeping the heart healthy by improving the elasticity of the blood vessels to name a few. Because Resveratrol has so many of the same benefits as exercise it is easy to understand that supplementing it into our diets can only be a benefit to us. Now here’s where we need to take a step back and say, that in no uncertain terms, are we condoning making red wine a staple in your diet, as alcohol is the emptiest form of calories there is next to soda. You can actually get this from foods such as red grapes, peanut butter and blueberries rather than drinking. You can also get it in supplement form ranging anywhere from 250 mg to 900 mg or more. To put that in perspective 1 glass of red wine has up to 2 mg. It would take a lot of red wine and empty calories to get even 250 mgs! So for now we will steer you towards the healthier foods and or supplementation.
Client of the Month - Greg Petilock

For the month of May we wanted to spotlight a client who has shown extremely high levels of dedication despite a mounting workload and travel schedule. This month’s Client-of-the-Month goes to Greg Petilock! Greg knew that his travel for work was an easy excuse for not being consistent with working out, but he also knew that he had to change that mindset to be successful. And if the results are any indication he has certainly changed that mindset for good!In just over 8 weeks Greg was able to lose 19 lbs of fat and a gain of 2 lbs of muscle! This equates to a loss of 6% body fat and 9.3 inches overall! Greg also saw his bench press increase by 20 lbs and his pushups more than double! Add an increase of 2 inches of flexibility and an improvement to his already spectacular resting heart rate, and it’s easy to see why Greg is very deserving of this recognition.Congratulations Greg on your results thus far! We have no doubt that in spite of the challenges you face, you will continue to succeed! We are excited to continue on this journey with you in creating a new, healthier, you! | (844) 4Nexgen Facebook