Tips - December 2014
It’s the 21st century, there’s no faking customer service.
					Two key words to describe customer service – honesty and personalization. That means when customer disputes occur at your restaurant, you’ve got to immediately spring into action to repair broken relationships.
					There’s no “I’ll get to it in a minute” mentality here. How you amend the customer disputes determine whether those irate diners ever return to your restaurant. According to smart people with a lot of insight, dissatisfied
					customers will tell between 9-15 people about their restaurant dispute. That’s bad word-of-mouth. Around 13% of them go on to tell more than 20 people. That’s really bad word-of-mouth. Whatever the problem, please
					resolve the dispute elegantly and professionally.

					Here are indispensable dispute survival tips:
The Texas Restaurant Association is hosting their Legislative Affairs Conference
					March 2-3 in Austin. This conference allows restaurateurs and industry leaders to have a voice about the regulations that impact the hospitality industry. Governor Greg Abbott, Comptroller Glenn Hegar, Harvey Kronberg,
					and Ross Ramsey will all be speaking at the two-day event. Go to to register and hold your spot.
We will host an auction the beginning of March that features commercial kitchen
					equipment as well as warehouse equipment. Finally a reason to upgrade! You can purchase kitchen equipment in great condition for a portion of the cost of brand new equipment. Plus, don’t throw away your old stove;
					send it to us! Someone needs it. Give us a call at 214-485-7300 for more information on the final date and time of the auction.
Savor Dallas is our city’s go-to foodie festival that takes place March 19-22 this
					year. It is a weekend full of tastings and pairings galore! If your business is interested in getting involved in the festival or purchasing tickets, please contact us at 214-485-7300 or visit the Savor Dallas website.
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							Dallas, TX 75215