Big Ink PR - March 2014
I can't get no Satisfaction... Yes you can: Read How

March is officially here, and brings us the season of green. Spring is coming which means it’s time to call our favorite drinking buddies and make St. Patrick’s Day plans. I know most of us are looking forward to selling and consuming green beer and corn beef & cabbage to help celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, but having fun takes a back seat to making sure our customers are satisfied.

Keep your customers fat, happy and coming back

The satisfaction of our customers is the heart of the selling process. It is estimated that it costs up to nine times as much to attract new customers as it does to keep one. The relationship between our customers and our organization is very important; a customer who feels that they have a personal relationship with a company is likely to spend up to 30% more in a single visit. Think of building relationships with your customers as moving up a ladder. If we do something the customer likes, they take a step up. If we do something that displeases them, they slide down the ladder and must restart their climb up. The ladder is made up of four main rungs (with 4 being the highest), and at the top rung of the ladder we have our loyal customers (advocates):•     4 – Advocates •     3 – Regular customers•     2 – Occasional customers•     1 – One-time purchasers
The degree to which a customer moves up the ladder depends on how well they are treated by your organization. Well focused customer service methods and attention to individual detail is likely to encourage guests to move up the ladder and become advocates of your establishment!   We should always be asking for customer feedback. Any decent server ought to ask how everything is at least once during the meal, but not every customer feels comfortable verbally criticizing if something is wrong. Offering an old-school comment card to our customers at the end of a meal is a great way for us to gain precious feedback, both negative and positive. It may sting at first when reading a negative comment that a customer has left for you, but we should jump at the opportunity to make necessary improvements to help put butts in seats.Engaging customers, ensuring they are taken care of and enjoying their customer experience are all factors that are likely to get their behinds back in our seats sooner rather than later!

Auction Info
Saturday March 15Restaurant Equipment & ElectronicsCatalog coming soon:
When Is the Auction?Preview Day Wednesday March 12  - 10 am - 3 pm CDTBidder Registration Begins Sat March 15 - 9 am CDTAuction takes place on Sat March 15 - 10 am - 3 pm CDTRemoval Days March 17 & 18 -  8 am to 4 pm CDT
How to Participate?
This auction will take place on premises and online.	
If you will be attending the auction, doors open at 9 am CDT for bidder registration. Please remember to have a current form of government issued ID as well as your Texas State Tax Certificate if you are a tax exempt bidder. All bidders will be charged tax unless the Texas State Tax Certificate is presented at time of purchase no exceptions. There is a $100 deposit collected during registration which applies toward your purchase or is refunded if you elect not to purchase. If you are bidding online, register any time prior to the auction at
	Follow the instruction to set up a Buyer Login. Use the provided Auction link 		to return to OIG's auction page on Proxibid.
Where is the Auction? 
2025 Midway Rd, Suite E Carrollton, TX 75006  To sign up and create a bidder account
If you have questions about the upcoming auction please call 469-310-1920 or write the OIG Auction Clerk at auctionclerk@oig.comAndy Gabehart, Auctioneer TX# 12426
Austin Info

bigInk Austin is pleased to announce we have signed our first client in Austin; Blackbird & Henry, who specialize in ales, spirits and great neighborhood dining. If you are in Austin stop by and say cheers to Chef Mark Schmidt!
Looking to take your PR campaign to the next level?  Not satisfied with your current space or looking to expand your restaurant?  bigInk would be glad to help your business reach its fullest potential with our public relations, marketing and real estate services. Contact us today at (214) 485-7300, or visit our website at
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